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A Mother's Heart: The Deepest Desire to See My Children in Heaven

May 10

2 min read

From a Mother Who Has Made Lots of Mistakes!!

As a Mother of two adult children, I think there can be mothers out there who may benefit from some of my mistakes rather than some beautiful, inspiring words. When you first bring your newborn baby home, oh yes, breathe them in! Just you, your baby, and your husband. Not letting anyone have one minute alone with that baby for about a WEEK! Then, hand them over to your mother, your mother-in-law, your sister, brother, or best friend. Believe me, it will do you and your hubby a world of good, and the baby will be just fine!!

You probably won't want to do anything but take a nap. Especially those first few months until the baby gets on a sleep schedule. Just learning as a mother how to not worry if the house is not as tidy as you like it to be is a feat in itself. Yes, I still struggle with this as a grandmother, but not nearly as much because I do realize it really doesn't matter. I love seeing handprints on my glass door or fingerprints on my fridge. What really matters is the experiences I have with my grandson. Listening to your children express what they love to do, such as sports or music, is important.

Just because you may have loved singing in the chorus in school doesn't mean you should force your child to sing. And if your child plays sports, don't treat it like they're playing for a scholarship at the age of 9 or even 15 - it's not fair. Let them be kids. Let them choose whether they want to play again or not. This one is a doozy! As your child is growing, always try to listen to them without judgment first. Think before you speak. If they come to you with something shocking or heartbreaking, and you automatically blow up or judge harshly, they will never come to you again!!

And you and your husband should always be on the same page for discipline. If not, they learn quickly that they can just go to the "soft" one when they want something. Remember that one! We didn't get a manual when we brought our babies home from the hospital, but we did receive a manual from God, and it says in Matthew 11:28-30,

"Come to me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

No matter what you're facing as a parent, you can always go to God and He will hear your cries. There is nothing a parent wants more than to know that their child, young or old, is walking in truth and that you will see them in Heaven.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."

3 John 1:4

P.S. Don’t ever give your child a perm at the age of 5!! There will be photos for them to ask you, “Why did you do this to me?” for the rest of your life! LOL.


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