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Empowered Reflections: Eight Questions for Today's Young Woman

5 days ago

4 min read

Have you ever thought about what a young married woman might say regarding today's society, especially if you are older? Or maybe you're interested in how she navigates her marriage. I decided to reach out to women like her, and I’m thrilled that I did. While I learned a great deal from those who hold differing perspectives, I also found some like-minded individuals, which brings me great joy. Today, I want to share some questions I posed to one woman in particular.

I had the opportunity to meet this remarkable and inspiring young woman on TikTok. She demonstrated incredible wisdom, strength, and courage while sharing her perspectives on contemporary gender roles. Mrs. Quinn is a devoted wife and mother who places a strong emphasis on family, especially at a time when many young women seem indifferent to basic responsibilities. Given her insights on roles and modern life, I asked her eight questions, and I was truly impressed by her responses. Let’s dive in!

What do you believe is the greatest challenge facing our society at this moment?

Everyone is trying to separate everything, trying to make men and women stand against each other, creating race battles among all races and divisions between the high class and the low class. Everything is separated when we should all be united.

What guidance would you offer to young women aspiring to get married in the future?

I know it’s hard, but speaking from personal experience, it’s okay to stop and listen. It’s okay to feel and have an opinion, but it’s not okay to be disrespectful. On top of that, just because someone disagrees or doesn’t understand your point doesn’t mean they are being disrespectful. It is you and your partner against the problem, not you versus your partner versus the problem.

What is a current area of focus for you, whether it involves physical goals, overcoming a bad habit, or improving mental or personality aspects?

Procrastination, whether it’s accomplishing a task, going somewhere, or anything of the sort, always leads to stress for me. I eventually get everything done and on time, but it often becomes a stressful experience because I hold off until the last minute.

How do you believe women can enhance their health and happiness?

Stay active—both physically and mentally! Don’t just scroll on your phone; read a book, learn something new, or pick up a hobby. If you have to run a small errand and the place is close, walk there while listening to a podcast. Do something that keeps you active and engaged!

What is your definition of love, and do you think the term is often misapplied?

My definition of love is loving the person no matter how much you may hate them because you know who they truly are. Love is experiencing those butterflies that never go away, even after being together for ten years. It involves studying and learning the other person's love language and habits in order to accommodate each other. Unfortunately, love is often mistaken for the “honeymoon phase,” which occurs before challenges arise or when things are still new.

Additionally, love can be confused with attachment; one can be attached to someone who has hurt them in countless ways. Some people may struggle to leave such situations, either physically or mentally, because they don’t understand that what they know as “love” is actually something different.

What is the most significant challenge in your marriage and do you believe you can address it?

It took us a lot of hard work to address our disagreements and arguments together and not see each other as the enemy simply because we didn’t understand one another. Now, we are able to sit down and discuss each other's points, working on the problem together instead of against each other.

In what ways has motherhood altered your perspective on life or influenced your lifestyle?

I used to only think about and prepare myself for the future; I was always "go, go, go" and couldn’t slow down. Being a mother has taught me to focus on the present and take the time to slow down, because even a baby can teach you new things.

What are your biggest priorities in life?

Not only my child, but every child— not just in our country, but I pray I can do something one day for all children on this planet, no matter where they are from or what wars are going on. What adult and evil minds did isn’t fair to the small and innocent.

What do I think?

As a young woman eager to learn about life before becoming a wife and mother, I found Mrs. Quinn's insights to be incredibly refreshing. She demonstrated not only compassion but also honesty, adhering to realistic perspectives on the challenges our society faces today. It’s true that men and women often struggle to understand each other, and our world seems to thrive on that divide. I plan to continue interviewing people and hope to find clarity on several questions that frequently trouble me. If you have your own questions, consider reaching out to your women friends or even to those you don’t know.

Another effective way to gain diverse perspectives on life and society is to connect with men and ask about their experiences and views. It’s important to be courageous enough to share your own thoughts as well. Mrs. Quinn exemplifies bravery online, and I’m grateful for young women like her who possess such wisdom. Until next time, have a blessed day, and don’t forget to open your Bible and appreciate what you have.

**Public Service Announcement**

In light of the severe weather impacting the surrounding areas, let us take a moment to bow our heads in prayer for those affected. While we may not fully understand their struggles, we can recognize that their pain surpasses our own experiences. We hope that all who are suffering find peace and comfort in God's embrace. If you're able, please consider donating to families, shelters, and animal rescues in need during this difficult time. Every bit of support counts. If you cannot contribute financially, your prayers are invaluable—so please take a moment to pray. Thank you, and stay safe.


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