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In God We Trust: A Christian Reflection on the Meaning of Independence Day

Jul 4

4 min read

Today is a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have fought and died for our country's independence and the ongoing efforts of first responders like police officers and firefighters who risk their lives to keep us safe. We should all be aware that it's important to acknowledge and appreciate these heroes daily, as well as our nation's founding principles, and strive to be thankful and respectful of their service. Many people, whether by choice or ignorance of history, fail to comprehend the significance of this day and our history.

I've witnessed numerous instances of disrespect towards heroes like veterans and police officers, who selflessly risk their lives to ensure our safety. I often ask those who disrespect them: would you be willing to risk everything for strangers? The answer is usually no, and it's clear why - they don't truly appreciate the sacrifices made by those who put their lives on the line for us. It seems that some people are primarily looking for a night of drinking till they black out, explosive entertainment, and a party that lasts till dawn - a familiar pattern on many holidays.

Forgive me for including comments that could be seen as political, but I am very passionate. Therefore, before I dive into the main topic, I'll make a few more remarks about it and then, I'll get to the real reason behind this post..

Our country's rich history, once characterized by faith, patriotism, and strength, has indeed been put on the back burner by the influence of poor morals and poor leadership. The majority of these issues can be due to a lack of Christian values. Let's be honest, everything is messed up when you leave out God. Despite all of the nonsense, there are still individuals who stand up for what is right, and our freedom remains intact. I don't care what a politician tells you.. As a part of a military and police family, I have and will always have immense respect and gratitude for those who selflessly put their lives on the line to protect and serve.

The thought of the countless lives lost, both in service and as a result of service, brings tears to my eyes. The physical and mental toll it takes on those who serve (and their families) is staggering, and I can only imagine the depth of pain and loss their families and loved ones endure. "According to the National Center for PTSD, 7% of veterans will experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at some point in their lives, which is higher than the 6% rate for the general population. The rate of PTSD varies by era of service, with rates increasing significantly since World War II. For example, in 2021, 11% of veterans who used VA health care were diagnosed with PTSD, but the rate was much higher for veterans who served in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, at 24% overall.

Other rates include:

-Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom: 11–20%

-Gulf War: 12%

-Vietnam: 30% " -Not my commentary, found within google search.

"In 2021, research found that 30,177 active duty personnel and veterans who served in the military after 9/11 have died by suicide - compared to the 7,057 service members killed in combat in those same 20 years. That is, military suicide rates are four times higher than deaths that occurred during military operations."

As a Christian, I am especially grateful to live in a country where I am free to practice my faith without many obstacles. In contrast, I realize that many Christians around the world face unimaginable suffering and even death for their beliefs. I wish that there would be more media coverage on that.. You can find information about this online and many inspiring videos from survivors of this type of violence on youtube.

Did you know that roughly 13 Christians a day are killed for their faith?

"The numbers are appalling. Simply because they follow Jesus: 


  • 4,125 Christians were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned 

  • 3,906 believers were abducted

  • More than 3,200 Christians were raped, sexually harassed or forced to marry non-Christians

  • 42,849 followers of Jesus were physically or mentally abused 

  • And nearly 300,000 Christians were forced to leave their homes, go into hiding or flee their country of origin. 

Since Open Doors’ research teams only use reports they can verify through on-the-ground networks, these figures are likely significant undercounts.

Another alarming statistic from this year’s World Watch List research is the number of Christian properties that were attacked or closed. More than 14,000 churches, Christian schools, hospitals and other buildings were targeted last year—and that’s a 700% increase over the previous year."

This information fills me with a deep sense of gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy in the US, and motivates me to be a voice for those who are silenced abroad. I can't do much to help those people, but I can try to bring awareness to all that goes on. We often take for granted all of the liberties we have, such as the freedom to express ourselves and complain about our circumstances... It has dawned on me that I am not addressing the most important part of our freedom.

Above all, my thankfulness extends to the ultimate source of freedom - Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the cross, burial, and resurrection gave us the gift of eternal life, hope, love, strength, and true freedom. As we celebrate our nation's freedoms, let us not forget to be thankful to the One and only who has given us the greatest gift of all - the freedom from sin and the gift of eternal life. Our experiences, whether joyful or challenging, are all part of our journey of life, made possible by God.

If not for God's creation and the gifts He has bestowed upon us, I wouldn't be writing these words, you wouldn't be enjoying your blessings, and those soldiers wouldn't have been able to serve. Without God, we wouldn't possess the capacity to help others, love those around us, or experience true freedom. Let's never forget this and strive to spread the message that genuine love and freedom can only be found through faith in Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4. Have a wonderful Fourth of July and may God bless y'all!


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