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Monday Morning Reflections: Lifting Up Our Prayer Requests and Honoring Those Around Us

Jun 24

4 min read

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who takes the time to read my posts, whether they're brief or lengthy. It means the world to me that I can share my thoughts and words with you, bringing even a spark of joy, inspiration, or comfort into your daily life. Thank you for being a part of this community, and I'm honored to be able to play a small role in your journey.

Let's take a moment to recognize and express gratitude for the selfless heroes who courageously serve to protect our lives and freedoms. We acknowledge the bravery and dedication of firefighters, military personnel, and law enforcement officers, who put their lives on the line every day. May we honor their sacrifices and commitment by including them and their families in our prayers.

Alrighty ladies, now lets focus on some specific prayer requests from individuals from all over the place. I'd like to ask that you join me in lifting them up to God in prayer, asking for His comfort, guidance, and healing in their times of need.

Shirley S.

"Please remember my sister Bunnie in your prayers she is struggling with some health issues right now."

Malizza M.

"My son has surgery on Thur. Please pray for all involved and our anxiety."


She has marriage troubles and her husband is thinking about divorce.

DeDe H.

"For me to move to Texas and have a job & place to live beforehand. For my girls to be saved. My grandchildren have a great upcoming school year. A dear friend to win his appeal and to be free from prison. Prayers for this country and this upcoming election."

Justin C. and Lydia C.

They have a very sick baby and they are praying for a miracle.

Stephney D.

"My son Tommy healing from low platelets (ITP) and full deliverance that the chains will be broken off of him in the name of Jesus."

Holly R.

"My bloodwork and my daughter and I can receive a place of our own to live in peace!!!!"

Taylor H.

"We have two specific prayer requests for our girl.

1. Her lungs will continue to heal and be ready to breathe on their own. They have worked down on her vent settings but she had two unsuccessful pressure support trials today, meaning they are not ready to work on their own yet.

2. Sedation. We need the right combination for her to be awake enough to breathe on her own but still need her comfortable as we are days away from getting the breathing tube out. We had a hard time keeping her settled today."

Nathalie P.

She has had many health scares recently and so, please pray for her health to be better.

Lele B.

"My daughter is in need of prayer regarding custody."

Heather S.W.

She is pregnant and is towards the end of her pregnancy. Prayers for a safe delivery and good health for the baby and for her.

Deborah S.

"My daughter Rachel, for sobriety and learning Jesus is her fortress, foundation and her provider. And let her receive healthy love Lord, Heal her whole body."

Maryann R.

She has a lot of health issues and is having trouble dealing with it all. Prayers for her mental health as well as physical.

Jim S.

"A couple of urgent prayer requests-my mom’s sister, Gayle, who has been battling cancer treatments already, was taken by ambulance to the hospital yesterday with double pneumonia. She was real lethargic, with bad numbers on some tests. She is more aware with better numbers today. Also, my great niece, Hadleigh, has just been taken to Children’s in Springdale with appendicitis. Surgery either tonite or tomorrow. Please help pray for these family needs!! Thx so much."

Sharon H.

Her husband is very sick with cancer and they need answers and healing.

Shanta F-S.

"Myself and my husband. Healing for my husband he was diagnosed with cancer and needs a pacemaker. Pray for me I'm applying for work from home jobs, so I can be a caregiver to my husband while working from home."

Heather M.

She has recently relapsed and it would be much appreciated if y'all would pray for her to get sober and healthy again.

Pat E.

"That the Holy Spirit teach me how to extend an Olive Branch to my ex and several family members and the timing! Been pressed upon my heart. Amen."

Harleigh E.

Prayers for a safe trip with her family this Saturday and for them to enjoy themselves.

Jerry B.

"3 prayer requests..

-My Great Nephew, Zachariah, will be 10 on Tuesday. Because Jesse, his dad, works on Tuesday, they went to events Saturday. They had a really nice time at a water park. Then they went to a laser tag place. Then they went to the emergency room. Zachariah had an accident at the laser tag place. He has 6 stitches between his eyelid and eyebrow.

-Another friend went in to the hospital yesterday. It is arterial blockage. Put in a stent, still having HBP, she will probably go home tomorrow. Frustrating.

-My Niece, Lynda, and family just bought a house in Texas. They are starting to pack up this week. They are signing the papers on Friday. They need to start moving, and clean on Friday and Saturday. A lot to do in just a couple of days. Thank you for praying."


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