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Nurturing and Safeguarding Purity in a World of Corruption

May 16

3 min read

Today, I reflected on the concept of innocence and how it evolves as we grow older. In youth, innocence is prominently shown, yet as we age, influences shape us, causing us to lose some of that inherent purity. This experience occurred in my early years when I no longer fit into the conventional perception of childhood. I was exposed to the darker aspects of the world around me. I was no longer unaware of abuse and the destructive feeling of abandonment. That goes to show you that not all children are shielded from such harsh realities. Some have their innocence shattered, leading to a drastic shift in how they adjust and relate to the people around them.

As a result of my personal experiences, I found myself maturing fast and yet still having a sense of naivety. I withdrew from social interactions out of fear of being separated from my mother. It was all driven by a strong need to protect her from harm, both mentally and physically. Despite my inability to defend her as a child, I tried my best to just be there for her. This constant need to protect her led me to the path of isolation, causing me to miss out on a typical childhood. While I was aware of the reality of violence and other awful things, my focus on my mother left me unfamiliar with the interests and lives of other kids my age.

This vulnerability led to me being easily taken advantage of, often misinterpreting the intentions of others. I had a strong need to devote myself to those around me, believing my existence was solely to serve others. I account many of my emotional struggles to the negative aspects of my childhood. I have realized that without those experiences, my youth might have been more normal - going to dances, dating, experiencing love, creating long lasting friendships, among other typical experiences you have growing up.

At 22 years old, I have yet to experience a relationship of any kind, comprehend love, and establish lasting friendships. Including not knowing how to handle panic/anxiety attacks. This highlights the importance of addressing and preventing childhood trauma. However, with the guidance of God and supportive individuals in my life, I am becoming the woman I am supposed to be. A few years back, I could never have pictured reaching the point where I am today.

I am engaging in online courses, have established a website helping women in their walk with God, am actively building relationships with others, and am growing more at ease with sharing the Bible. The urge to self-harm has diminished, and I have distanced myself from negative influences while also trying to be kind to myself. It all was possible because of God and learning how to let the Bible guide me. His presence has been constant, and I firmly believe He will never abandon me, nor will He leave any of you. I am now in a way content with my past and what happened to me. I just pray to gain a true comprehension of love because I want a stable future.

My hope includes a happy household with children, a supportive husband who prioritizes God, and a life free from fear that I won't have any of that. I believe that this has thoroughly explained why it's important for all children to have a household with stability. Ensuring that they can grow without anxiety for the present and future. Protecting innocence is a priority, not a weakness. It must be preserved even as adults navigating a world bent on corrupting us.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Philippians 4:8


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