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Prayers from the Heart: Embracing God's Goodness and Letting Go of Negativity

Jul 1

6 min read

Have you ever thought of a world where we couldn't find the good in people or situations? I don't know about you, but that would be a frightening place to live in. Today, I had a conversation with someone close to me about the benefits of adopting a more optimistic outlook, and though I didn't succeed in swaying their perspective, I made a big effort... I've been down a similar path myself, once being consumed by negativity, only to discover that when I shifted my focus to the positive aspects of life, my mental health and overall quality of life changed dramatically and for the better.

Instead of dwelling on the darkness and negativity that surrounds us, let's strive to find the beauty within the chaos. Just as Jesus demonstrated remarkable love and intense compassion amidst the hatred and turmoil, we too can choose to radiate kindness and mercy, even in the face of adversity. Reflecting on Jesus' example, we may wonder how we would respond if faced with similar challenges - would we show love and forgiveness to those who harm us or our loved ones? Can we really maintain our compassion and empathy when trials come our way?

At first glance, it may seem clear that kindness is always the right choice, but I've learned that this isn't always easy (that's for sure). When we're hurt or our loved ones are threatened, our perception of ourselves can change dramatically. We may feel like we're the kindest person ever until someone pushes our buttons, and then we reveal a harsher side. The trouble is, we often justify our meanness as necessary for protection, but I'm here to argue that this is a flawed way of thinking. As humans, we'll undoubtedly have many impulses, but it's up to us to choose whether to indulge them or rise above.

It's okay to disagree with me, and we are free to have differing opinions. However, as Romans 12:19 reminds us,“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” We're not supposed to seek revenge, and instead, we should put aside our feelings of bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking, as Ephesians 4:31 instructs. “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:” This is because harboring such negative emotions can tear us down and hold us back, making it essential to let them go.

It's wonderful to be there for loved ones and protect them, but it's necessary to show strength and forgive those who have hurt us. Everything has its place and time, and holding onto revenge and wrath can only weigh us down and ruin what's good in our lives. When we can find the good and stay positive even in difficult times, we transform into a different person. Remembering that bad days are temporary and will pass can help us persevere and rise above the pain. It reminds us that we won't be forever defined by our heartache. "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses." -Mark 11:12

In my own experience, even amidst the turmoil of an abusive household, I found glimmers of hope and resilience. I can now reflect on the small blessings that sustained me, such as a roof over my head, a loving (and alive) mother, comforting pets, and basic necessities like food and clothes. Even with the chaos, there were moments of silence/peace out in nature, reminding me that life is full of contrasts, and sometimes it takes time to recognize the light in the darkest times. When facing all of the troubles in life, it's important to try to shift your focus to the good. Take a deep breath and ask yourself: Am I letting the weight of negativity hold me back?

Are there moments where I've lost sight of God's goodness? Make an effort to come up with some type of gratitude for what you have, rather than dwelling on what's lacking. If you neglect to do so, you may find yourself slipping into depression and a lot of uneasy situations. However, by turning to your Bible and spending time with God during it all, you can find so much peace and clarity in His wisdom, love, and overall goodness. My intention with this message is to convey that God's presence is unwavering, even when we're consumed by anger, feeling defeated, or isolated.

When we're overwhelmed by the chaos of the world, including political turmoil and personal struggles, it's easy to feel like no one cares. It's easy to feel like nothing will ever get better. But at this point, you need to remember that God is ALWAYS there for us, a constant source of comfort, love, and support. When we become consumed by the negative, we tend to forget that there's a larger purpose at play. Acknowledging our limitations and surrendering to the fact that we're not in control can be a difficult but liberating experience. By turning to God when we are weak and even in the wonderful times, we can find a sense of true love and freedom.

It can be a truly remarkable journey and that's worth letting go of your pride and doubt. Beautiful girl...trying to navigate life alone is futile...We can't do this without God and you shouldn't want to. Never forget that.. I'll take this moment to offer this prayer for each of you, hoping that this small act can bring a sense of hope to your morning..

Dear God, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I pray that You would wrap Your loving arms around each person reading these words, shielding them and their loved ones from harm. May You bring healing to their deepest wounds, calming their emotions of depression, sadness, anger, and grief. Grant them a fresh perspective, infused with Your wisdom and guidance, and help them find peace amidst every hardship they face. While we may not be immune to suffering, I trust that with Your love, mercy, and our faith in You, all things are possible.

I ask that everyone reading this would resist the urge to seek revenge and instead focus on the countless blessings You've bestowed upon them. May they never forget the good things in their lives and instead express gratitude for all You do. Please open their hearts wider and wider to receive more of Your love and guidance. Thank You for all the goodness You bring into our lives, and thank You for being MORE THAN enough, exceeding every expectation. Amen!

Prayer requests

Leila P.

"I lost my Sister she passed away , my heart is aching can I get a prayer please Thank you."

Sheila R.B.

"I am asking for prayer for my me and my family uncle and brother and the rest of the family."

Sheresa B.

Her father passed away and so, let's pray for her and her family.

Diana J.

She is asking for prayer for her family who is struggling a lot right now.

Elizabeth B.

"Please pray that my health issues get resolved. Please pray I receive answers and pain relief. Thank you so much."

Amy A.

Her family is having financial troubles and she is asking for prayer because of that.

Julita T.

Please pray for her health!

Mechelle O.

"Please pray for me for forgiveness. I love someone and the amount of things done to each other is a lot. I pray for ego to diminish for both of us. Please heal our wounds."

Kairitu M.

"Please pray that God would provide food for me and my little girls."

Liberty P.

"Please pray for me. God knows my petition. Thank you."

Brenda J.

"My livelihood is at state. Along with other things that bug me. I'm really stressed out! I need peace! Please pray this very important letter gets to it's destination soon!"

Frank M.

He needs prayer for his health and for his day to day struggles to be helped.

Whitney O.

She is experiencing a lot of sorrow and pain. Please pray for her to feel better.

Kate L.

"Please pray for my sister Maryanne that she gets her health back mentally and physically."

Davis R.

Pray for protection over his family and for strength during difficult times.

Melinda S.

"Please pray for a friend of mine that has hospice by her bedside."

Ann P.

"Please pray for my family. My niece passed away, she was in a car wreck."

Ruth W.

Please pray for her strength after losing her daughter.


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