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I will be married for 38 years on May 23rd, with two grown children, one grandchild; I am now in a season of my life where I can reflect on my past. It is kind of like looking from the outside in. And if I could only tell that 21 year old young woman a thing or two, would she listen? I kind of doubt it. That is how old I was when I got married. No, I don’t regret it. But boy would I have some advice for me!

I have always been a social butterfly and have always wanted to have a good moral standing in the family and neighborhood. Although, early on in my marriage I knew that because of the “different” beliefs that my husband had than my family, that might be a little tricky. I blame my husband, but it was also my beliefs.

I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church and my husband also went to a Baptist Church. From the minute we met, the attraction was not just physical but divine. He talked about God and I had never met a man as bold and who was even interested in the Lord. We eloped after a whirlwind courtship of three months.

But our parents greatly approved. I think my parents thought I was going to be an old maid. I know you’re wondering, “What is the difference in beliefs?” My husband and I believed in rightly dividing the Bible. We believed in Christ death, burial and resurrection. That Jesus died for our sins and we were no longer under the Mosaic law.

And with those differences it brought a lot of great heartache for my mother in particular. I wasn’t holding to the traditions that had always been. I didn’t do it to hurt her but I couldn’t go sit in a place where I didn’t believe what was being taught. Eventually my mother realized that we loved the Lord and we were saved.

She could see by how we lived our lives, how we raised our children. How we spoke. Over time the neighborhood saw that I was still a Christian but they thought my husband had taken me away from the church. It wasn’t true. Once you see that truth you can’t unsee it. He had shown me scriptures and explained it in a way that I had never heard.

We got together with other like mind believers and had bible studies and would talk for hours. It was a lot of fun. That was our church. I look back at all the years that I have had with my husband and him showing me the truth about the Bible is the best thing he has ever done for me. God has truly blessed us!!

Below are some verses that my husband showed me that may help some of you.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:15

"For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace."

Romans 6:14

"And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh"

Matthew 19:5


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