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The Power of Fasting: How Abstaining Can Bring You Closer to God

May 20

4 min read

While fasting may not be a popular topic for everyone, I have always found it to be a valuable practice that brings both physical and spiritual benefits. With biblical roots from Nehemiah to Matthew and beyond, fasting is a powerful tool for deepening one's relationship with God and cultivating self-control and patience.

Why are you fasting?

Before going on a fast, it's essential to clarify your motives and focus on the true purpose of it. While weight loss may be a natural byproduct, it's crucial to prioritize strengthening your relationship with God. I recommend taking time to pray and immersing yourself in the Bible, seeking a deeper understanding of the significance of fasting.

Decide on the amount of days.

When you're just starting out with fasting, it's best to start small and gradually increase the duration. Try a shorter day or two and see how your body responds before committing to a longer fast. This will help you figure out what works for you and avoid any potential discomfort.

Intermittent fasting days before your prolonged fast.

Before going on a prolonged fast, I recommend easing into it by gradually cutting back on your food intake a few days beforehand. This will help your body adjust to the changes. You can also try intermittent fasting to prep your body, which can be a great way to get started. For example, you could try skipping breakfast and having a late lunch or eating around 6pm. There are many types of intermittent fasting plans, so take the time to research and find one that works best for you and your body.

Be prepared!

Before you start, make sure you're all set. If you're not up for a straight water fast, there are other options to consider. You could try juice fasting, sipping on bone broth, or one of the most basic fasts, which is just vegetables and fruit. Do your research to determine what's best for you.

Water fasting: Make sure you drink plenty of water and include electrolytes for balance. One of my favorite fasting options. 

Bone broth fasting: Your two essentials are broth and water. Not everyone likes the taste of bone broth, so I rarely mention this. However, it can be beneficial for keeping up your energy throughout the fast.

Fruit fasting: Eat as much fruit as you want and drink plenty of water. This is a common fasting plan, but there are many debates on the pros regarding it.

 I think that it can be difficult to maintain.

Juice fasting: This would be best done with freshly made juices, including spinach, kale, and other greens. You will be surprised at how refreshed you feel...That is when you start eating again. Juice fasting can be extremely difficult to do.

Many people get concerned over the amount of sugar and how damaging it can be for your teeth.

No matter what kind of fast you're thinking of doing, do your homework and talk with your doctor first. Fasting can be super beneficial, but if you're not used to it, your body might not appreciate it. I recommend starting with intermittent fasting and working your way up to a longer one, just to ease into it.

Think about a schedule or a journal.

While it's inevitable that some days may not go as planned, try to maintain a flexible schedule that allows you to complete your daily tasks and prioritize your well-being during the fast. Keep track of your progress and feelings by journaling or taking notes on your phone, being clear about your intentions and logging any important information as the day goes on.

Fast from other things as well.

In our daily lives, there are many distractions that can damage our growth. Consider abstaining from things that may be taking you away from what's good for you, such as social media, television, or specific habits, in addition to or instead of food, to help you focus on your spiritual journey.

So, here's the most important thing to keep in mind while fasting:

DO NOT brag or bring attention to your fasting.

“Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.”

Matthew 6:16

When you're about to go on a fasting journey, it's crucial to keep it personal and top priority, just between you and God. This way, you can truly focus on the purpose of fasting: to draw closer to God. Don't pretend it'll be easy - it won't be, and you'll definitely face temptation and feel like quitting. But if you put your faith and trust in God, you'll be able to overcome the challenges.

In my own experiences with fasting, I've learned that the only times I regret it are when I don't make it about God, and instead focused on my own struggles and anger. In the midst of life's challenges, we'll inevitably face discomfort and feel like throwing in the towel. However, it's crucial to persevere, knowing that giving up too easily would mean missing out on the beauty and peace that awaits us. Rather, let's strive to be the best version of ourselves, constantly seeking to live like Jesus.


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