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Listening to the Women in Our Lives

Nathalie Padilla

1 min read

May 14

I hope everyone had a beautiful Mother’s Day 2024!  I am Nathalie Padilla, Georgie’s mom. I want to share a quick post today on what being a mother, daughter and granddaughter means to me. I am the daughter to the greatest mother and the granddaughter to the greatest grandmothers, in my opinion. I also have a second mother (my MIL) and a Aunt, who have also been incredible. Sadly, the grandmother of my girls has passed. 

I learned so much from her and will also take that with me throughout my life. I didn’t get to this point without the women before me. Sometimes, not so willingly. I have learned to have more empathy, compassion and understanding of their roles. I knew many things they were telling me was true, yet I chose by immaturity to not take their advice. I do have a lot of sadness now for wanting to do it my own way. It did teach me in my journey to trust the generations of women before me.

I hope that my children and grandchildren know that no matter what, I understand that with age, comes wisdom. I made mistakes and grew. I learned so much along the way.  Women are important in our lives. Sometimes we just need to be quiet and listen.  Thank you all for listening and I hope everyone has a beautiful week ahead! 



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"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

Philippians 2:3-4

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