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How Holding Back Your Words Can Bring Greater Insight and Understanding

May 17

3 min read

I've learned the hard way that it's a challenge to bite my tongue, but after years of speaking my mind without filter, I've come to realize the damage it caused to my relationships. The weight of guilt and anger that followed became too much to bear. It wasn't until recently that I've been able to adopt a new approach, listening first and evaluating my response before speaking, which has allowed me to address situations with greater care and thoughtfulness.

It's undeniable that this would have a serious impact on anyone's life, particularly in regards to self-control. By acknowledging the importance of self-control, we can recognize that not having it not only harms ourselves, but also has a habit of causing harm to those around us.

  1. Timing is everything when it comes to speaking on issues. There are moments where your voice is important, while other times demand restraint. The key is to have self-awareness and discernment, knowing when to speak out and when to keep silent.

  2. Say that you need guidance on whether or not you should respond. The Bible holds the key to all our answers. Seek guidance from God by studying His Word, and you'll find the wisdom you need to help you.

  3. Understand your why. Reflect on your motivations and understand why you feel compelled to express your opinion. Is it genuinely to support or benefit the person or situation, or is it driven by personal interests or desires?

  4. Know that learning is always a good thing. You can take in so much wisdom from taking in information from situations around you. Whether good or bad, you learn from experience and you grow as a person. So, listening instead of speaking first can benefit you.

  5. You will be able to respond better! By taking the time to truly hear and understand the person, you'll be able to respond with a more thoughtful and informed perspective.

Let's be real, not everyone is dying for your opinion. And honestly, it's okay to keep some thoughts to yourself. By learning to filter what you share, you can build stronger relationships and even develop more self-control in other areas of your life. It's worth the effort! When I began practicing self-control, I was surprised to find that I started appreciating people more.

By taking a moment to think before responding, I've been able to avoid jumping to conclusions and rushing into things. It's been amazing to see how holding back my words has actually made my day better. Of course, it's not healthy to keep everything inside and we are meant to address certain things. I am saying that, It's about being intentional with our words and actions, and using self-control in a way that can be helpful to you and others.

Above all things, look to God for guidance before taking any action or speaking a word. As we navigate the uncomfortable ways of life, it's essential to prioritize God above all else. Scripture serves as a valuable compass, guiding us towards making decisions that align with His will. Rather than focusing on what will please others, we should ask ourselves: 'What will please and glorify God?' By keeping this question at the base of our minds, we can try to have a mindset that prioritizes Him, rather than seeking human approval or validation.


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