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The Righteous Remedy: Confronting Wrongdoing with Biblical Guidance

Jul 25

3 min read

My message to people these days:

We are different. You profess love only when it's reciprocated, and value family as long as they conform to your expectations. I choose to love even those who despise me, showing compassion to my enemies and prioritizing others' well-being. We diverge on core values, as you condemn strangers for living for God, engage in promiscuity, and reject the humanity of those who differ from you. I stand for good morals, advocate for the vulnerable, and pray for those who wish to harm me. You hate me because I will not support you. I love you because I want what's best for you. We are different.

I see so much apprehension among people about confronting wrongdoing. They're reluctant to speak up, fearing offending others or experiencing criticism. Even Christians hesitate to stand against injustice, mistakenly believing that not condoning bad behavior is equivalent to unrighteously judging others and pushing them away from God. In reality, by not holding people accountable and allowing them to perpetuate harm, we're actually showing them a false love that can lead them further astray. True love and concern for others' souls demands speaking truth and encouraging them towards Jesus. Rather than condoning their actions and potentially guiding them towards hell...

Scripture affirms that we are indeed called to judge, not in a hypocritical or unrighteous manner, but with a righteous judgment, as stated in John 7:24. To righteously judge means being aware of what is right and wrong, and standing against evil while promoting what is pure and good. It's important to distinguish between the individual and their actions, hating the sin but loving the sinner. However, it's equally crucial not to condone or enable sinful behavior, for that would be a disservice to the person and ultimately lead them astray/to hell. Instead, we should strive to show others the truth and the only way to salvation, which is through faith in Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

In a world surrounded by evil, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, but it's precisely in this darkness that we must stand strong. As Christians, we're called to be set apart from the world, as Romans 12:2 instructs. Don't let the fear of what others think silence your voice; their opinions are fleeting and don't define your eternal destiny. Be mindful that this world is not our true home, and though we live within it, we mustn't be consumed by its values. It's a delicate balance to strike, but one that's vital for living a life that honors God. Remember, nothing good comes easily, but the reward is worth the struggle. Again I say...

Instead of condoning evil or supporting those who do harm, choose to stand against it, regardless of the opinions of others. Love them, but love them enough to stand for what is right. You may lose their presence in your life, but that's not a loss; it's a reminder that they were never meant to be a part of your journey. The prayers you've prayed for protection and guidance have been answered, and you might not always understand or appreciate it, but you will come to be grateful. Don't let fear hold you back anymore. You're not alone; there are others who share your struggles and know the path you're on. Trust that you will find yourself exactly where you need to be, in due time.


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