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The Unspoken Truth: A Mother-Daughter Interview That Brought Us Closer Together

Georgia Lee Nunn

7 min read

May 28

I've been really eager to uncover the stories and experiences that have shaped my mom's life. I admire her more than she knows and I think that this could bring us closer together. I got the idea of an interview where I ask her the questions that cross my mind. I think this is a great way for everyone to strengthen their relationship with a loved one. By asking the questions we've always wondered about, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the people who matter most. Let's start the conversation!

What are the most significant advantages and drawbacks of growing older, and how have they impacted your life?

Answer: The benefits of getting older are being able to witness your children and grandchildren grow and thrive. On the other hand, a significant drawback is the physical discomfort that comes with aging, such as chronic pain in my joints, back, and shoulders.

What values, qualities, or characteristics did you most appreciate and respect about your parents' upbringing, parenting style, and life examples?

Answer: I was fortunate to have a childhood shaped by Christian values, with parents who instilled a strong work ethic and taught us the importance of gratitude. Despite being very generous in providing for our needs, they also set boundaries, teaching us the value of self-control and contentment. My parents had a wonderful marriage and it demonstrated true love, respect, and incredible communication skills. They kept their disagreements private and their admiration for one another was evident.

When did you first feel God's presence in your life?

Answer: When I was 12, I was deeply impacted during a Wednesday night Bible study at church, where my youth pastor's words struck a chord and left me overcome with emotion.

What are your most vivid memories of your parents' relationship, and how have those experiences shaped your expectations and approaches to romantic relationships in your own life?

Answer: My parents' commitment to each other was a constant in my childhood. They demonstrated a remarkable ability to prioritize their marriage, remaining impartial in the face of conflicts and disagreements with us kids. As I've matured, I've come to appreciate the challenges they faced, and this understanding has helped me navigate life's difficulties with greater resilience.

What book of the Bible would you like to know more about?

Answer: Revelations.

What is the key takeaway for newlyweds that will help them build a strong, lasting foundation for their marriage?

Answer: Never go to bed angry. It's essential to communicate honestly with your partner, addressing issues before they escalate. If emotions are running high, take a step back, calm down, and revisit the conversation when you're both feeling more level-headed. Going to bed angry can lead to unresolved problems and an uncomfortable atmosphere, making it even harder to tackle the issues in the morning.

What is one moment or experience from your past that you would revisit if given the chance, and what makes it so significant to you?

Answer: When I was going through a tough time, I had to move away, and sadly, my grandmother passed away without me getting to say goodbye. I would like to go back to happier times when she was still with me, sitting on the couch together watching Wheel of Fortune, and I would tell her how much I loved and cherished her. Although, I am pretty sure she already knows that.

What are the top skills or qualities that set you apart and help you in life?

Answer: I am able to connect with people easily and I can learn information fairly quickly.

What's the most important advice for new parents?

Answer: When your baby is sleeping, make sure you take the time to sleep too. The end.

If you were going to be a missionary, what country would you like to serve in?

Answer: United States.

Can you define what it means to be a woman in your own perspective?

Answer: When I reflect on what it means to be a woman, I think of the qualities that define us, including strength, courage, and the deep desire to uplift and support others. Motherhood, of course, is a significant part of womanhood, as is the desire to nurture and care for others through empathy and compassion. We women are natural caregivers, often putting the needs of others before our own.

Which sin do you struggle with the most?

Answer: Smoking cigarettes.

How can parents do better at raising their kids in today's world?

Answer: Discipline is essential for kids, and unfortunately, there seems to be a severe lack of it these days.

Who has had the biggest influence on your faith?

Answer: My youth minister, Raymond, was truly exceptional. He helped me understand my anger issues by consistently calling me out and holding me to high standards, treating us like his own kids. His guidance and mentorship made me feel like I had a grandfather or father figure looking out for me, and I always wanted to make him proud.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a mom?

Answer: Watching your children grow and develop into independent individuals, knowing that all the effort and dedication you invested in their upbringing was worthwhile. Seeing them take steps towards self-sufficiency is a truly rewarding experience.

If you could ask one God one question, what would it be?

Answer: If I sat down with him right now, I would ask him who would win November 5th. I am not even joking about that.

What are the most rewarding and challenging aspects of being a stay-at-home mom?

Answer: Even on days when you'd rather hit the snooze button, you can't afford to, as you have the responsibility of raising your family. The most fulfilling aspect of being a parent is being able to be there for your children whenever they need you, providing a sense of security and support that's invaluable.

What do you like/dislike about your generation?

Answer: My generation is known for its strength and for being able to bounce back from adversity and adapt to the significant changes we've faced since the 1970s. We were given the freedom to forge our own paths, relying on ourselves to overcome challenges. However, this experience has also led to a tendency for overprotectiveness as parents, stemming from our own shocking experiences and the realization that we were simply lucky to have avoided some of the worst outcomes.

Has there ever been a time where you doubted God and if so, how did you strengthen your faith?

Answer: The loss of my aunt Linda in 1996 marked a turning point for me and my faith in God. It has been a constant battle that has persisted for years. The loss of faith that followed her death was further exacerbated by the passing of my dad. I am not sure if I ever got that back..

What do you like/dislike about my generation?

Answer: Your generation is better educated about the health of our planet and the pressing issue of climate change. However, there is a downside - many individuals in your generation are loud, selfish, and unruly, showing awful behaviors that can be detrimental to themselves and to those around them.

I am turning 23 next week, how do you feel about it? What kind of advice would you give me?

Answer: I reflect on my own aging, I can't help but feel old - especially when I think about my baby turning 23, the same age as me when I had my oldest. It's like time is flying by, and I'm struggling to keep up. However, I want to remind you that 23 is not old, and you don't have to worry about wrinkles just yet. You have a lot of life ahead of you, and I encourage you to make the most of it. Remember to prioritize self-respect, self-confidence, and rely on yourself to make decisions, but also be open to suggestions from others. Take things one day at a time and don't try to plan every aspect of your life, as things are bound to change.

What were some of the most important lessons you learned about values and morals from your childhood experiences?

Answer: I believe it's essential to always be kind, as you never know what someone else is going through and what you say could potentially make their situation worse. I was taught to always try to make things better for those around me, and I think this is a valuable lesson. It's also important to raise your children in church and to teach them to present themselves to the world in a kind, empathetic, and respectful manner. This includes having self-respect in the way you dress and behave.

If you could tell your younger self something, what would you say?

Answer: If I could go back in time, I would advise myself to take my education more seriously and make a conscious effort to learn something new every day.

What's one key takeaway or message you'd like to share with the readers of this blog?

Answer: It's important for us as a society to stay informed and educated about the world around us, going beyond our own assumptions and biases. Instead of relying on what we think others are thinking, we should actively conduct research to gain a deeper understanding of the issues and concerns that shape our lives.

What I have learned from this interview

I initially anticipated her responses to be similar to those she provided, but the revelation about her faith was a bit of a surprise. Often you are confronted with unexpected discoveries about those around you, which can be both heart-wrenching and life-changing. However, I am always glad to learn about and from those I love. This experience has sparked my desire to continue exploring the people in my life through interviews, potentially sharing more posts like this. I am someone who is naturally connected to others, like my mom. But I have struggled with shyness and insecurity, causing me to hold back from expressing my love and emotions.

I am excited to overcome these barriers and connect with others on a deeper level. My faith in God has grown significantly, allowing me to become more confident in myself. I understand that it's helpful to be around people, rather than retreating from them. If you're similar to me, I encourage you to take the initiative and ask your loved ones questions about themselves or their perspectives on the world. This can lead to a stronger bond and potentially even helping them in some way. I'm so grateful for this experience and hope to have the opportunity to interview my grandmother soon.

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"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."

Philippians 2:3-4

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