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United in Prayer: Healing and Hope Amidst Devastation

4 days ago

3 min read

I write this with a heavy heart as I witness the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Many individuals have not only lost their homes but their lives, along with countless animals. Entire towns have been wiped off the map, and as seen in the harrowing videos, people are desperately clinging to whatever remains of their lives, often just each other. Can you imagine a day when you have no place to turn, barely holding onto hope, and just when you think things might get better, something else happens to cause more concern for your safety?

That's the harsh reality facing many individuals right now. Out there in the cold, dark waters, amidst rubble with no escape and wounds that seem beyond healing, these people are enduring immense suffering. I can only imagine that mentally, they are withering away and praying more intensely than ever. I'm sharing this, not to distress you, but to help you grasp the pain that exists beyond your own. So many of us confine ourselves within certain boundaries, missing the opportunity to truly connect with those around us. Whether due to fear, anger, or uncertainty, people are becoming increasingly isolated than they were before.

Maybe after you read this, you'll feel inspired to connect with others more, and you might even discover that giving becomes more fulfilling than receiving. However, if that doesn’t resonate with you, I want to remind you that we are called to love.. even those who oppose us. Lately, I've found that to be a challenge. Despite my efforts to show compassion and respect, I often feel frustration and anger toward our society. The recent hurricane has really amplified these feelings.

Then there are those who claim it's "karma" for the South. Do they not feel the shame in their wicked thoughts and actions? How can anyone wish death or despair upon another, let alone entire cities and states? If you want to find the devil, I hear him loud and clear in remarks like that. He dwells by those who lack emotional intelligence and basic decency. Evil exists everywhere and at all times, but lately, it has been so prevalent that I sometimes fear what lies ahead. If so many people can harbor such hatred that they inflict mental and physical harm on others, what does our future hold?

Some might say it’s not surprising and that it is what it is, considering we’ve seen similar tragedies before. But for me, it’s heart-wrenching every single time I see someone in pain without help or means to cope. I think of the families, the pets, the homeless individuals, the businesses that were just finding their footing, and all the cherished memories tied to their homes. Did these people truly expect their lives to be uprooted so suddenly, entire towns wiped away in an instant? No. No one can truly grasp that reality unless they’re living it or have faced something similar in their lifetime.

I want to reassure you not to succumb to fear or worry to the point of feeling exhausted. Scripture reminds us that we’re not meant to drown in anxiety, but instead to surrender it all to God. Yes, it’s understandable to feel heartbroken and scared during these times, but remember who walks alongside you. Reflect on why our hearts ache and why time feels suspended for those suffering. If you can take action, give whatever you can; if all you have are prayers, know that they are priceless. It’s so important to respond when challenges arise and not to turn a blind eye to the pain and struggles faced by others.

In closing, I’d like to share time with you in prayer. I encourage you to take a moment to just bow your head and find comfort in the Lord.. Below are images/videos that you might find graphic.


To support individuals and entire communities, visit local boards or the GoFundMe page for hurricane Helene. There, you'll find many people in need; even sharing their stories can make a difference if you're unable to donate. Additionally, you can pray for each person if that resonates with you.


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