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Unveiling the True Meaning of Salvation: A Heartwarming Testimonial

May 1

2 min read

My Salvation Testimony. I am a 59 year old woman who thought I was saved for 46 years but I had been taught the wrong gospel. Have you? I grew up in a loving home with a mama who took us 6 kids to church every time the doors were open. It was a Southern Baptist Church and they preached repent of your sins and ask Jesus into your heart to be saved.

At the age of around 13 our church was holding a revival and I kept seeing people going down to the altar being saved and I wanted to be saved so I went to the altar. I can’t remember what I prayed to be saved but I’m sure he had me to repent of my sins and ask Jesus into my heart.

And these things are not bad but not for salvation. It was not until I had started getting on TikTok of all places that I found a channel with a pastor who was teaching salvation through faith alone. His name is Dr. Robert Pothoff. He preached 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV is the gospel that saves. The death, burial, and resurrection! According to scripture. Nothing more. Nothing less.

So one night after listening to Pastor Robert talking to a lady who was in a similar situation as what I use to be denying the true gospel stuck in her indoctrination. I realized that was me, I needed to be saved by faith alone. No works. No repenting of sins. No adding or taking away. What Jesus did was enough!!! Best decision I’ve ever made!! Don’t let another day go by!!

Brenda Summerow


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